Ragemap 2022 ------------ 4-16 players recommended. Map by: - Hezus - BonkTurnip - Descen - SV BOY - I_ka - Erty - AlexCorruptor - Adambean - grunt - Trempler Special thanks to: - Hezus for organising the project and putting up with all our crap mapping. - Gauna for an epic collection of models and sprites. - Erty for also fixing mistakes in our crap mapping. - RC for scripting Templer's part. - Project scripting by RC and Adambean. CHANGELOG: ========== Release (4th December 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - (I_ka's part) Added a player medkit to the 4 spawn rooms Grunt: - Wood fence model in the trial by perseverance Version RC6 (4th December 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - (Config) No longer spawn with a medkit, parts that want this provide it - (Script) Force weapon strip at the end of each part - (AlexCorruptor's part) Improved music reliablity (some more) - (I_ka's part) Aligned SUV glass Version RC5 (3rd December 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - (AlexCorruptor's part) Improved music reliablity (hopefully) - (AlexCorruptor's part) Moved song text higher up the screen so the player medkit doesn't make it unreadable - (BonkTurnip's part) Fixed janitor shelving sometimes being moved by the door - (BonkTurnip's part) Prevented shock troopers falling down the drain (again) - (SV BOY's part) Fixed purchased weapons sometimes disappearing from the table - (Trempler's part) Fixed Z-fighting on the back of the neon DINER sign Version RC4 (27th November 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - Added audible tick to the get out timer - (SV BOY's part) Corrected many spelling mistakes - (SV BOY's part) Temporarily only use multiplative mode as additive mode isn't working - (Trempler's part) Coloured the bells to indicate which customer they're for - (Trempler's part) New classy bell sound Erty: - Fix for emergency meeting alarm playing after part finishes - Reduced hold time for win/lose text - (Outro) Fixed players sometimes not spawning near stage when credits starts I_ka: - Added signs for navigation guide - Gagged Zombies/Aslaves that spawns behind barricaded door - Tweaked objectives visual guide Version RC3 (26th November 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - Added weaponstrip area - (Descen's part) Reduced lighting by request Version RC2 (26th November 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - (BonkTurnip's part) Added medkits to spawn - (Hezus' part) All the swing doors now move one way and have crush damage to prevent blocking - (I_ka's part) Added push to exit teleporter and raised it to prevent blocking Version RC1 (25th November 2022) ---------------------------- AlexCorruptor: - Changed trigger_condition frequency check to 0.9 from 1 when the timer hits 0 to prevent the timer LCD showing up as 001 - Delayed the music trigger by 0.03 seconds, potentially fixing the music problem - Removed the debug music button behind spawns Erty: - (Trempler's part) updated script to use the proper skins from Hezus' can model Hezus: - Made new hint legend for room 7 - Added more visual feedback to room 7 - Added reset button to room 7 - Added extra ammo crates in room 7 - Fixed visible NULL face in room 6 Version 0.09 (19th November 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - (BonkTurnip's part) prevented shock troopers falling down the drain Erty: - (Trempler's part) reduced friction modifier of Dante by 50% - (Trempler's part) env_shooters now use Hezus' can models - (AlexC's part) removed unused info_nodes Grunt: - added 2 trigger brushes near the Taog's lobby and event portal area - replaced maxspeed cvars with changevalues instead Version 0.08 (11th November 2022 🏵️) ---------------------------- Adambean: - workaround for completed spawn points not being switched off - (Descen's part) sky applied immediately on spawn Erty: - changed RC name secret to Trempler - made Trempler's start box more stylish (all black now) - AlexC's spawns have now Start Off checked - set Embed Light Map to 1 for all glass in AlexC's part - fixed typo in amogus intro text - replaced Trempler's bus in outro with new version with fixed brushwork Grunt: - saved us 5% clipnodes! - changed vote condition needed from 99% to 1% - sky will apply immediately after spawning - the ghost pillars can block decals now - lowered the portal stair models so now they're even with the ground Hezus: - added numbers to room 7 puzzle hint - created 6 individual weapon_strip triggers in room 6 puzzle SV BOY: - you can now choose between either 1x or 2x money mode - upgrading health now always divides - the cockroach buy cooldown gets reduced to 0.5 seconds if you have at least 750 credits or more - the cockroach buy no longer announces to everyone - updated the ballon model so they don't spam the console with developer 1 (sequence out of range) - moved rock bonson by 1 unit - the crowbar now also swings faster at upgrade level 3 (omg secret upgrade!!!) - reduced the health of the secret cause it takes too long Version 0.07 (6th Nov 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - double confirmed fixes from previous build are really in place - (BonkTurnip's part) brightened the sun - (BonkTurnip's part) added smooth clipping to stairs - (SV BOY's part) added assurance the right sky is in place for late joiners - (SV BOY's part) brightened the sun Erty: - removed RC from outro credits - made urgency music in AlexC's part trigger more reliably Hezus: - area 7 doors are now in sync - respawn on displacer in boss area set to 1 sec Version 0.06 (5th Nov 2022) ---------------------------- Adambean: - (All parts) script revolutions - delayed activation of automatic "prep" logic until this part is entered - corrected entrance portal sprite and lighting not being active - fixed part not ending due to a classic Hezus error :p - (I_ka's part) fixed sunken dead scientist on the counter - (SV BOY's part) realigned a few geometry verticies to avoid micro-leaks AlexCorruptor: - fixed sky not changing to intention - fixed music not always playing Erty: - fixed ambient noise not stopping when part finishes - fixed the stylisation of a name in a secret - adjusted delays before starting next part Grunt: - fixed the lighting and rendering of the cliffs in spawn area - fixed the sounds that didn't work properly - lowered the mist height in the first event - fixed spawn points - added new logo SV BOY: - removed some invisible optimization celling due to map splitting into 3 Trempler: - cut out pre-start spawn box - fixed bus rear polygons - actually triggers part_finished when finished now - added missing button for placing products for customer0 Outro: - fixed scripts for SV BOY's weapons for first stage of the boss fight Version 0.05 (25th Oct 2022) ---------------------------- - project is now 3 maps (a,b,c) Hezus: - players can no longer bring displacer into the puzzle 6 room - fixed door buttons being retriggered in room 7 - fixed teleporter shortcut to room 9 - fixed custom sky not triggering - fixed ending doors alignment in room 3 Trempler: - fixed initial spawn name error Version 0.04 (24th Oct 2022) ---------------------------- - added tremplers part Version 0.03 (23th Oct 2022) ---------------------------- - added boss battle to map B - added integrated weapon scripts for SV-BOY's part - added updated channel icons for Adambean and SV BOY - added missing sky for Hezus' part - added fixed balloon models for SVBOYs part Version 0.02 (19th Oct 2022) ---------------------------- - added channel sprites for grunt, ika - updated AlexC's part - fixed music playing from grunt's part on spawn - updated script files for AlexC's part - Adambean hud sprite is now 96x96 - removed unused textures in WAD - svboys part has light now - fixed no model lighting on grunts part Version 0.01 (16 Oct 2022) -------------------------- - First internal version Credits: -------- BONKTURNIP: Credits for the double barrel shotgun model and sprites: Model: Tripwire Interactive Textures: Tripwire Interactive, Norman The Lolo Pirate (Edits) Animations: MyZombieKillerz Sounds: GSC Game World (Reload), Navaro (Reload), Tripwire Interactive (Shoot), D.N.I.O. 071 (Conversion to .ogg format) Sprites: D.N.I.O. 071 (Model Render), R4to0 (Vector), KernCore (.spr Compile) Misc: Norman The Loli Pirate (UV Chop, World Model), D.N.I.O. 071 (Compile) DESCEN: =Sounds= mk_frenship.ogg - Mortal Kombat dragons_legend_loop.ogg - KOTO dsflame.ogg, dsblst.ogg - Shadow Man PC game foe_hub.ogg - Fragments of Euclid PC game (https://nusan.itch.io/fragments-of-euclid) dsbell.ogg, dstlprt.ogg, dsstnmov.ogg, dsstnmov2.ogg, dsstnstp.ogg, dsgong.ogg - RNG dssndfdb.ogg - Cocyx =Sprites= dsgameover.spr - Gauna dsportal.spr + flames - Google search SV BOY: Secret art by Gauna weapon_custom script by w00tguy Models: Most P and W converted models by SV BOY Hitman Colt - Flewda, snrk Painkiller Bonegun - KoSHak HL2 EP2 Sniper Rifle - Jaanus , Biodude Red Faction 2 Styled Models - Dr.ABC, THQ Radiation Bionic Gun - Nicksven Adambean for fixing all your ruddy script integrations Hezus for making an awesome balloon model and generally being a nice bloke ERTY: Boss part & ending. ADAMBEAN: =Scripting= Upgraded project scripts to be more modular. =Other= Generally being giant knob by constantly getting in Hezus' way.