Black Mesa Sector: M O M M A M E S A Created by "BlueFeena" ======================================== The government thought Black Mesa was destroyed -- a nuclear explosion in the heart of the deceased military base caused catostrophic damage, but it wasn't enough. Years later, the survivors of the horrors and destruction of the resonance cascade rebuild what remains of Black Mesa. Being an isolated base in New Mexico, Black Mesa slowly began to rebuild into smaller "partitioned" bases; all of which being privately owned. Black Mesa had become real estate -- any area that wasn't destroyed was snatched up and fought after by the surviving science, security, and even military factions. The strongest leader of these factions, the notorious "Mr. Breeden", quickly took control and stamped out any resistance. His sector of Black Mesa, due to its staggering size, resources, and fire power, became known as Momma Mesa -- the mother of all privately owned Black Mesa sectors. You, the Sven Co-Op mercenary team, have been employed by Mr. Breeden himself -- to do his dirty work and contain any security breaches in the base. Who knows -- do a good enough job, and you might just see the light of day again. ========================================