Instructions Modify the File to add/delete maps: /scripts/maps/store/mapvote_maps.txt The first line should contain the timelimit in seconds. Example: Time: 20 The other lines should contains the map-data. Example: Half-Life Campaign|hl_c00 The character '|' splits the text. The text infront of the Pipe-Character it the title that appears on the Vote-Screen. The text after the Pipe-Character is the name of the map. You can also add a breakline in the title by adding "\n". Example: Half-Life\nCampaign|hl_c00 It is possible to add a second map to the map-data. Example: Half-Life Campaign|hl_c00|hl_c02_a1 If people decided to vote for a campaign, a Vote-Window will appear that allows the people to skip the intro (goto 2nd map). If you want to add a Pipe-Character to the title, then use "\|". Vote-Screen doesn't support Unicode-Characters. If you want to change the music for the lobby, go to the directory: /sound/dynamic_mapvote/, add your own music file then edit the file dynamic_mapvote.gsr. You will see the lines: "dynamic_mapvote/dynamic_mapvote.ogg" "dynamic_mapvote/dynamic_mapvote.ogg" Simply change the path of the second line of code to your desired music. Example: "dynamic_mapvote/dynamic_mapvote.ogg" "dynamic_mapvote/mymusic.mp3" You are allowed to use mp3, wav and ogg formats. After finishing you must add this custom sound to the dynamic_mapvote.res file. Design A picture is worth a thousand words. Add a path to a sprite to the line like this: sprites/dynamic_mapvote/half-life.spr|Half-Life Campaign|hl_c00 Then this sprite will appear on the votescreen. Be sure that everybody can see the sprite (Add sprite-path into dynamic_mapvote.res as it is a custom sprite). Be sure that the resolution of the sprite is 352x160 or else it wont fit into the Vote-Screen. Note: use the HL/CS Sprite editor tool (.spr file) you can edit it and to make your own vote-screen. The map will be built automatically using the text file. If the Text-File is missing or contains invalid data, then the error will be shown as title on the Vote-Screen and Half-Life Campaign will be started after the vote. If an invalid map gets voted, an Error-Message appears on your Screen and the Vote-Timer will reset, so the people can vote for a different map. Special Event modes This map features a Halloween and Christmas mode, which will allow you to use a special mapvote file to host theme-related maps, which will automatically load during Halloween or Christmas. mapvote_maps_halloween.txt mapvote_maps_xmas.txt You can edit these to customise the maps just as you would for the default mapvote_maps.txt file. If you want to just use the default mapvote file for the events, just simply remove one or all the above files.