// HALF-LIFE SPEECH SYSTEM SENTENCES. DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! Max of 1023 sentences. // HUMAN GRUNTS HG_GREN0 hgrunt/clik(p120) grenade! clik HG_GREN1 hgrunt/(t30) clik take!(e75) cover!(s5) clik HG_ALERT0 hgrunt/clik(p110) target! clik HG_ALERT1 hgrunt/clik movement! clik HG_MONST0 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t50) bogies!(t0), my! sector!(t0) clik HG_MONST1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) clik(p120) we!(e75) got! bogies! clik HG_COVER0 hgrunt/clik (t30) take! cover!(t0) clik HG_COVER1 hgrunt/clik (t45) (e75) I!(e80) need!(e80) suppressing!(t20) fire!(t10) clik HG_THROW0 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) fire!(e90) in!(e90) the!(e60) hole!(e100) clik HG_THROW1 hgrunt/clik (t30) take!(e75) this!(e100 t0) clik HG_TAUNT0 hgrunt/clik (t30 e75) uhh, we got heavy fire here clik HG_TAUNT1 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) roger, hold position clik HG_CHARGE0 hgrunt/clik (t40) go! recon! clik(p120) HG_CHARGE1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) move!(e75) in! clik HG_IDLE0 hgrunt/gr_idle1 HG_IDLE1 hgrunt/gr_idle2 HG_QUEST0 hgrunt/clik (t25) stay(e80) alert people clik(p120) HG_QUEST1 hgrunt/clik (t30) radio(e75) check, over clik(p120) HG_ANSWER0 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t20) uhh roger(e75) that, clik(p120) clik HG_ANSWER1 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t10) yessir clik HG_CLEAR0 hgrunt/clik(p130) (t30) all(e75) clear sir, clik HG_CLEAR1 hgrunt/clik (t30) bravo(e75) post, clear clik(p120) HG_CHECK0 hgrunt/clik (t30) ok, check(e75) in clik HG_CHECK1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) squad, are(e80) hostiles clear clik(p120) // FID1A0 intercom main facility entrance level 1 SAD1A0_0 deeoo (e95) emergency cleanup team to(e70) biological waste processing plant(e100) SAD1A0_1 buzwarn buzwarn attention, administration personnel evacuate sector d immediately SAD1A0_2 deeoo deeoo attention, security personnel to sector d SAD1A0_3 deeoo (e95) service team, check elevator one(s0 e100 t0), (p100) sector c(e100) SAD1A0_4 buzwarn buzwarn warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in ventillation system SAD1A0_5 deeoo (e95 p103) lieutenant backman and cleanup team, to(e70) sub level three(e100) SAD1A0_6 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn danger, turret defense systems activated, sector d SAD1A0_7 deeoo deeoo security officer reports men down in sector d, medical help required SAD1A0_8 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn extreme danger, all turret defense systems activated, sector d SAD1A0_9 deeoo (e95) turret repair personnel, to(e70) high security materials storage area(e100) SAD1A0_10 deeoo deeoo attention. electric shock hazard detected in administration center SAD1A0_11 buzwarn buzwarn. security officer reports medical emergency, administration center // FID1A1 intercom dormitories level 3 SAD1A1_0 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention. all science personnel evacuate level three immediately (e100) SAD1A1_1 (p130) bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn (e95) (p95) attention. this announcement system now under military command SAD1A1_2 (p110) bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn (e95) (p95) attention. black mesa announcement system now (e100) under military command SAD1A1_3 (p110) bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn (e95) (p95) attention science team, report to nearest security checkpoint (e100) immediately SAD1A1_4 (p130) bizwarn bizwarn (p100 t15 e95) attention. all military personnel, (e100) intruder detected in level three SAD1A1_5 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p90 e95) attention. all science personnel report to (e70) north transportation platform (e100) immediately SAD1A1_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p95 e90) warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in (e70) ventillation system (e100) SAD1A1_7 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) charlie team reports bravo foxtrot johnson facility is secured SAD1A1_8 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) search and destroy squad alpha, reports secondary objective terminated SAD1A1_9 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) warning, main power failure on level three, deeoo // FID1A2 intercom sector e biodome gamma SAD1A2_0 deeoo (e95) sector c personnel immediately report to(e70) nearest security checkpoint. SAD1A2_1 deeoo (e95) repair crew report to(e70) track control, sector e(e100) SAD1A2_2 deeoo (e95) maintenance team blue(p100 t0 s0 e100), check heat exchange coolant level(e100) SAD1A2_3 deeoo (e95) maintenance team green, check voltage(e100) on cable seven two nine(e100) SAD1A2_4 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) medical team to materials storage facility, team bravo reports men down SAD1A2_5 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alpha force move out, science personnel resistance extreme SAD1A2_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention. all black mesa security personnel wanted for immediate questioning SAD1A2_7 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention. gordon freeman report to military personnel for immediate security check SAD1A2_8 buzwarn buzwarn (p102) warning, hostile biological forms detected in track control sector e // FID1A3 intercom sector e storage unit 5 SAD1A3_0 buzwarn buzwarn. warning. track power failure. check lower level power plant. SAD1A3_1 deeoo (e95) maintenance team yellow, please(s0 e100) service relay three hundred ninety four(e100) SAD1A3_2 (p130) dadeda (p98 e95) attention. gordon freeman report to military personnel for immediate security check SAD1A3_3 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) delta team reports launch control secured SAD1A3_4 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn danger, turret defense systems activated, silo e SAD1A3_5 deeoo sector e track control please report status SAD1A3_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) echo force reports perimeter breach, sector e SAD1A3_7 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention, search and destroy force go to code three. eliminate all biological forms. SAD1A3_8 bizwarn bizwarn danger, unauthorized detonation detected in experimental propulsion lab // FID1A4 intercom sector a mesa times SAD1A4_0 buzwarn buzwarn. attention, clear silo e launch area immediately SAD1A4_1 deeoo (e95) containment inspection team, to(e70) advanced biological research lab(e100) SAD1A4_2 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) medical team to sector a, oscar team has men down SAD1A4_3 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert, military personnel authorized to prosecute secondary target with extreme force SAD1A4_4 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert, squad in coolant complex, secondary objective may be operating inside your perimeter SAD1A4_5 deeoo deeoo dimensional distortion activity detected in sector a SAD1A4_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) medical team to sector a, oscar team squad failed to reach checkpoint // C1A0 intercom\ C1A0_START dadeda vox_login C1A0_0 bloop (e95) immediate medical attention required in(e70) sector twenty(e95) seven(e100) C1A0_1 doop (e95) operations personnel report to(e70) emergency control zone for contamination cleanup, alpha seven access required(e100) C1A0_2 attention, supply team required in(e70) lower maintenance chamber sub sector b(e100) C1A0_3 doop (e95) security breach detected in(e70) silo thirty two(e100) C1A0_4 warning, extreme radiation leak detected in(e70) reactor core eight, time to(e70) reach minimum safe distance, fourteen minutes(e100) C1A0_5 dadeda (e95) doctor guthrie report to(e70) inspection lab six immediately(e100) C1A0_6 attention, doctor Freeman report to(e70) research administration center for questioning(e100) C1A0_7 deeoo (e95 p98) remaining science personnel report to medical lab six for radiation exposure inspection(e100) C1A0_8 warning, severe damage detected in ventillation systems under research lab two, evacuate area immediately(e100) // doors, general NA0 access denied NA1 access is denied NA2 unauthorized access NA3 illegal access NA4 this door is locked NA5 unauthorized access NA6 entry forbidden NA7 entry not permitted NA8 no unauthorized personnel NA9 you do not have access to this facility NA10 (p102) sorry, you may not enter NA11 (p102) sorry, this door is locked NA12 (p102) please, move away from this area NA13 (p102) please, move away from door NA14 (p103) you will not get in NA15 (p103) entry is not an option NA16 (p104) will we do this all day NA17 (p104) move on immediately NA18 (p105) no, no, and no(p80) EA0 access granted EA1 access permitted EA2 entry granted EA3 entry permitted EA4 access authorized EA5 entry is permitted EA6 access authorized EA7 access to facility, granted EA8 access granted // doors, security lockout ND0 security lock is engaged ND1 secure area, no entry ND2 security lockout, no entry ND3 secure door, no entry ND4 security system in force ND5 security system armed, no entry ND6 door is secured ND7 illegal access, move away ED0 security lock disengaged ED1 security clear, proceed ED2 security lockout, released ED3 secure override accepted ED4 security access acknowledged ED5 security system disengaged ED6 door security disengaged // blast doors NF0 emergency blast door activated NF1 emergency blast shield activated NF3 the blast containment shield is down EF0 emergency blast door, open EF1 emergency blast shield, deactivated EF3 blast containment shield is, open // fire door NFIRE0 fire containment door is down EFIRE0 fire containment door, open // chemical door NCHEM0 chemical leak containment door activated ECHEM0 chemical leak containment door, open // radiation door NRAD0 radiation containment door activated ERAD0 radiation containment door, open // generic containment door NCON0 emergency containment door engaged ECON0 emergency containment door disengaged // broken locked door NG0 sorry, this door is inoperative NG1 sorry, door out of service NG2 door damage detected, please call service personnel // maintenance door NH0 no access, maintenance area NH1 no personnel permitted in maintenance area EH0 maintenance area access granted EH1 maintenance area door open // require security card NCARD0 access key required NCARD1 security key required // turrets, defensive systems TURRET0 extreme hazard, defense system is armed in this zone TURRET1 hazard area, defense system activated TURRET2 danger, turret perimeter defense system armed TURRET3 extreme hazard, nearest defense system engaged TURRET4 danger, base defense turret system may power up TURRET5 danger, automatic defense system activated // warnings WE0 warning, high voltage cable WE1 warning, high power cable WE2 warning, electric shock hazard WE3 warning, severe electric shock hazard // danger DR0 danger, radiation leak detected DR1 danger, radiation hazard detected DR2 danger, high radiation level detected DR3 danger, severe radiation hazard, evacuate area immediately DR4 danger, safety violation, extreme radiation level detected DC0 danger, chemical leak, area now a high health hazard DC1 danger, chemical coolant leak, health hazard zone DC2 danger, chemical containment breach, all personnel evacuate this area DC3 danger, supercooled chemical leak DC4 danger, supercooled helium leak DB0 danger, liquid biohazard leak in immediate area DB1 danger, coolant leak, severe biohazard now in this area DB2 danger, liquid biohazard released, evacuate area DB3 danger, biohazard detected in immediate area // training room TR_A three, two, one, deeoo(p110) TR_B deeoo(p110) (p102 t20) target system deactivated // HEV Suit // powerup HEV_AAx player/pcv_vest HEV_A0 player/pcv_vest HEV_A1 fvox/blip HEV_A2 fvox/blip HEV_A3 fvox/blip HEV_A4 fvox/blip HEV_A5 fvox/blip HEV_A6 fvox/blip HEV_A7 fvox/blip HEV_A8 fvox/blip HEV_A9 fvox/fuzz HEV_A10 fvox/fuzz // medical HEV_DEAD0 fvox/beep beep, beep beep, beep, beep, flatline HEV_MED0 fvox/boop HEV_HEAL0 fvox/boop HEV_DMG0 fvox/boop HEV_HLTH0 fvox/beep HEV_SHOCK fvox/boop HEV_FIRE fvox/boop // items HEV_AIM_ON fvox/blip HEV_AIM_OFF fvox/blip HEV_BATTERY fvox/blip HEV_MEDKIT fvox/blip HEV_PISTOL fvox/blip HEV_SHOTGUN fvox/blip HEV_GRENADE fvox/blip HEV_ASSAULT fvox/blip HEV_44PISTOL fvox/blip HEV_RPG fvox/blip HEV_SATCHEL fvox/blip HEV_TRIPMINE fvox/blip HEV_HORNET fvox/blip HEV_SQUEEK fvox/blip HEV_EGON fvox/blip HEV_GAUSS fvox/blip HEV_XBOW fvox/blip HEV_9MM fvox/blip HEV_44AMMO fvox/blip HEV_BUCKSHOT fvox/blip HEV_BOLTS fvox/blip HEV_RPGAMMO fvox/blip HEV_AGRENADE fvox/blip HEV_EGONPOWER fvox/blip // time //HEV_C1t fvox/bell time_is_now one AM //HEV_C13t fvox/bell time_is_now one PM // power levels HEV_D00 fvox/fuzz HEV_D01 fvox/fuzz HEV_0P fvox/fuzz HEV_1P fvox/fuzz HEV_2P fvox/fuzz HEV_3P fvox/fuzz HEV_4P fvox/fuzz HEV_5P fvox/fuzz HEV_6P fvox/fuzz HEV_7P fvox/fuzz HEV_8P fvox/fuzz HEV_9P fvox/fuzz HEV_10P fvox/fuzz HEV_11P fvox/fuzz HEV_12P fvox/fuzz HEV_13P fvox/fuzz HEV_14P fvox/fuzz HEV_15P fvox/fuzz HEV_16P fvox/fuzz HEV_17P fvox/fuzz HEV_18P fvox/fuzz HEV_19P fvox/fuzz // weapon/ammo HEV_AMO0 fvox/blip // suit HEV_V0 fvox/blip HEV_V1 fvox/blip HEV_E0 fvox/buzz HEV_E1 fvox/buzz HEV_E2 fvox/buzz HEV_E3 fvox/buzz HEV_E4 fvox/buzz HEV_E5 fvox/buzz // time remaining countdown //HEV_F10t fvox/bell //HEV_F15t fvox/bell //HEV_F20t fvox/bell //HEV_F30t fvox/bell // detections HEV_DET0 fvox/blip blip blip HEV_DET1 fvox/blip blip blip HEV_DET2 fvox/blip blip blip HEV_DET3 fvox/blip blip blip HEV_DET4 fvox/blip blip blip HEV_DET5 fvox/blip blip blip // BARNEY BA_OK0 barney/teamup2 BA_OK1 barney/dobettertogether BA_OK2 barney/imwithyou BA_OK3 barney/teamup1 BA_OK4 barney/gladtolendhand BA_OK5 barney/letsgo BA_OK6 barney/letsmoveit BA_WAIT0 barney/helpothers BA_WAIT1 barney/iwaithere BA_WAIT2 barney/slowingyoudown BA_WAIT3 barney/illwait BA_WAIT4 barney/seeya BA_WAIT5 barney/standguard BA_HELLO0 barney/hellonicesuit BA_HELLO1 barney/howyoudoing BA_HELLO2 barney/hayfella BA_HELLO3 barney/armedforces BA_HELLO4 barney/soldier BA_HELLO5 barney/sir BA_QUESTION0 barney/beertopside BA_QUESTION1 barney/getanyworse BA_QUESTION2 barney/workingonstuff BA_QUESTION3 barney/whatsgoingon BA_QUESTION4 barney/aintscared BA_QUESTION5 barney/nodrill BA_QUESTION6 barney/crewdied BA_QUESTION7 barney/somethingmoves BA_QUESTION8 barney/thinking BA_QUESTION9 barney/missingleg BA_ANSWER0 barney/noway BA_ANSWER1 barney/ireckon BA_ANSWER2 barney/soundsright BA_ANSWER3 barney/yessir BA_ANSWER4 barney/youbet BA_ANSWER5 barney/yougotit BA_ANSWER6 barney/yup BA_ANSWER7 barney/dontaskme BA_ANSWER8 barney/dontbet BA_ANSWER9 barney/dontbuyit BA_ANSWER10 barney/dontfigure BA_ANSWER11 barney/dontguess BA_ANSWER12 barney/hardtosay BA_ANSWER13 barney/justdontknow BA_ANSWER14 barney/nope BA_ANSWER15 barney/nosir BA_ANSWER16 barney/cantfigure BA_ANSWER17 barney/maybe BA_ANSWER18 barney/notelling BA_ANSWER19 barney/bequiet BA_ANSWER20 barney/youtalkmuch BA_ANSWER21 barney/alreadyasked // player is staring at scientist BA_STARE0 barney/yup BA_STARE1 barney/yessir BA_STARE2 barney/howyoudoing BA_STARE3 barney/heyfella BA_IDLE0 barney/whatisthat BA_IDLE1 barney/coldone BA_IDLE2 barney/guyresponsible BA_IDLE3 barney/bigmess BA_IDLE4 barney/luckwillturn BA_IDLE5 barney/bigplace BA_IDLE6 barney/targetpractice BA_IDLE7 barney/badfeeling BA_IDLE8 barney/ambush BA_IDLE9 barney/survive BA_IDLE10 barney/stophere BA_ATTACK0 barney/standback BA_ATTACK1 barney/whatisthat BA_ATTACK2 barney/diebloodsucker BA_ATTACK3 barney/aimforhead BA_ATTACKP0 barney/diebloodsucker BA_ATTACKP1 barney/c1a4_ba_octo4 BA_ATTACKP2 barney/easily BA_HEAR0 barney/hearsomething BA_HEAR1 barney/icanhear BA_HEAR2 barney/soundsbad BA_SMELL0 barney/somethingdied BA_SMELL1 barney/somethingstinky BA_SMELL2 barney/stench BA_CUREA barney/checkwounds BA_CUREB barney/youneedmedic BA_CUREC barney/realbadwound BA_SCARED0 barney/donthurtem BA_SCARED1 barney/leavealone BA_WOUND0 barney/imhit BA_WOUND1 barney/hitbad BA_MORTAL0 barney/imdead //If you shoot Barney: BA_SHOT0 barney/ba_dotoyou BA_SHOT1 barney/ba_watchit BA_SHOT2 barney/ba_whatyou BA_SHOT3 barney/ba_friends //When Barney's really pissed at you: BA_MAD0 barney/ba_stepoff BA_MAD1 barney/ba_iwish BA_MAD2 barney/ba_uwish BA_MAD3 barney/ba_somuch BA_MAD4 barney/ba_endline BA_MAD5 barney/ba_dontmake BA_MAD6 barney/ba_tomb BA_MAD7 barney/easily //When Barney's killed something BA_KILL0 barney/ba_gotone BA_KILL1 barney/ba_another BA_KILL2 barney/ba_buttugly BA_KILL3 barney/ba_seethat BA_KILL4 barney/ba_close BA_KILL5 barney/ba_firepl BA_KILL6 barney/ba_bring // if barney can't follow you BA_STOP0 barney/stop1 BA_STOP1 barney/stop2 // SCIENTIST SC_OK0 scientist/excellentteam SC_OK1 scientist/alright SC_OK2 scientist/fine SC_OK3 scientist/hopeyouknow SC_OK4 scientist/leadtheway SC_OK5 scientist/letsgo SC_OK6 scientist/yesletsgo SC_OK7 scientist/yes3 SC_WAIT0 scientist/beenaburden SC_WAIT1 scientist/slowingyou SC_WAIT2 scientist/reconsider SC_WAIT3 scientist/whyleavehere SC_WAIT4 scientist/illwaithere SC_WAIT5 scientist/istay SC_WAIT6 scientist/illwait // fail to follow player any more SC_STOP0 scientist/stop1 SC_STOP1 scientist/stop2 SC_STOP2 scientist/stop4 // player is staring at scientist SC_STARE0 scientist/yees SC_STARE1 scientist/areyouthink SC_STARE2 scientist/noidea SC_HELLO0 scientist/hellothere SC_HELLO1 scientist/greetings2 SC_HELLO2 scientist/hello SC_HELLO3 scientist/goodtoseeyou SC_ANSWER0 scientist/notsure SC_ANSWER1 scientist/notcertain SC_ANSWER2 scientist/perhaps SC_ANSWER3 scientist/whocansay SC_ANSWER4 scientist/inconclusive SC_ANSWER5 scientist/theoretically SC_ANSWER6 scientist/whyaskme SC_ANSWER7 scientist/lowervoice SC_ANSWER8 scientist/ofcourse SC_ANSWER9 scientist/absolutely SC_ANSWER10 scientist/yes SC_ANSWER11 scientist/ibelieveso SC_ANSWER12 scientist/right SC_ANSWER13 scientist/imsure SC_ANSWER14 scientist/positively SC_ANSWER15 scientist/nodoubt SC_ANSWER16 scientist/yees SC_ANSWER17 scientist/ofcoursenot SC_ANSWER18 scientist/absolutelynot SC_ANSWER19 scientist/noo SC_ANSWER20 scientist/idontthinkso SC_ANSWER21 scientist/completelywrong SC_ANSWER22 scientist/cantbeserious SC_ANSWER23 scientist/dontknow SC_ANSWER24 scientist/ridiculous SC_ANSWER25 scientist/shutup SC_ANSWER26 scientist/noguess SC_ANSWER27 scientist/stopasking SC_ANSWER28 scientist/justasked SC_ANSWER29 scientist/repeat SC_QUESTION0 scientist/everseen SC_QUESTION1 scientist/needsleep SC_QUESTION2 scientist/areyouthink SC_QUESTION3 scientist/evergetout SC_QUESTION4 scientist/rightwayout SC_QUESTION5 scientist/cantbeworse SC_QUESTION6 scientist/rescueus SC_QUESTION7 scientist/fascinating SC_QUESTION8 scientist/stimulating SC_QUESTION9 scientist/luckwillchange SC_QUESTION10 scientist/hearsomething SC_QUESTION11 scientist/doyousmell SC_QUESTION12 scientist/uselessphd SC_QUESTION13 scientist/waithere SC_QUESTION14 scientist/survival SC_QUESTION15 scientist/headcrab SC_QUESTION16 scientist/goodpaper SC_QUESTION17 scientist/catchone SC_QUESTION18 scientist/dinner SC_QUESTION19 scientist/alientrick SC_QUESTION20 scientist/alienappeal SC_QUESTION21 scientist/rumorclean SC_QUESTION22 scientist/nothostile SC_QUESTION23 scientist/announcer SC_QUESTION24 scientist/smellburn SC_QUESTION25 scientist/noidea SC_QUESTION26 scientist/whatnext SC_IDLE0 scientist/ipredictedthis SC_IDLE1 scientist/containfail SC_IDLE2 scientist/chaostheory SC_IDLE3 scientist/howinteresting SC_IDLE4 scientist/neverseen SC_IDLE5 scientist/peculiarmarks SC_IDLE6 scientist/whoresponsible SC_IDLE7 scientist/nogrant SC_IDLE8 scientist/bloodsample SC_IDLE9 scientist/administrator SC_IDLE10 scientist/improbable SC_IDLE11 scientist/organicmatter SC_IDLE12 scientist/lambdalab SC_IDLE13 scientist/ihearsomething SC_NOGO scientist/dontgothere SC_MONST0 scientist/seeheadcrab SC_MONST1 scientist/importantspecies SC_HEAR0 scientist/ihearsomething SC_HEAR1 scientist/didyouhear SC_HEAR2 scientist/whatissound SC_SMELL0 scientist/somethingfoul SC_SMELL1 scientist/odorfromyou SC_SMELL2 scientist/peculiarodor SC_SMELL3 scientist/stench SC_WOUND0 scientist/iwounded SC_WOUND1 scientist/iwounded2 SC_MORTAL0 scientist/iwoundedbad SC_MORTAL1 scientist/iwounded2 SC_CUREA scientist/youlookbad SC_CUREB scientist/youwounded SC_CUREC scientist/youneedmedic SC_HEAL0 scientist/heal1 SC_HEAL1 scientist/heal2 SC_HEAL2 scientist/youneedmedic, letstrythis SC_HEAL3 scientist/youlookbad, holdstill SC_HEAL4 scientist/youwounded, letstrythis SC_HEAL5 scientist/heal3 SC_HEAL6 scientist/heal4 SC_HEAL7 scientist/heal5 SC_PLFEAR0 scientist/whatyoudoing SC_PLFEAR1 scientist/canttakemore SC_PLFEAR2 scientist/madness SC_PLFEAR3 scientist/noplease SC_PLFEAR4 scientist/getoutofhere SC_PLFEAR5 scientist/sorryimleaving SC_FEAR0 scientist/nooo SC_FEAR1 scientist/startle2 SC_FEAR2 scientist/startle1 nooo SC_FEAR3 scientist/dontwantdie SC_FEAR4 scientist/getoutalive SC_FEAR5 scientist/startle3 SC_FEAR6 scientist/startle4 SC_FEAR7 scientist/startle5 SC_FEAR8 scientist/startle6 SC_FEAR9 scientist/startle7 SC_FEAR10 scientist/startle8 SC_FEAR11 scientist/startle9 SC_FEAR12 scientist/startle1 SC_SCREAM0 scientist/sci_fear1 SC_SCREAM1 scientist/sci_fear2 SC_SCREAM2 scientist/sci_fear3 SC_SCREAM3 scientist/sci_fear4 SC_SCREAM4 scientist/sci_fear5 SC_SCREAM5 scientist/sci_fear6 SC_SCREAM6 scientist/sci_fear7 SC_SCREAM7 scientist/sci_fear8 SC_SCREAM8 scientist/sci_fear9 SC_SCREAM9 scientist/sci_fear10 SC_SCREAM10 scientist/sci_fear11 SC_SCREAM11 scientist/sci_fear12 SC_SCREAM12 scientist/sci_fear13 SC_SCREAM13 scientist/sci_fear14 SC_SCREAM14 scientist/sci_fear15 SC_SCREAM15 scientist/scream07 SC_SCARED0 scientist/whatyoudoing SC_SCARED1 scientist/stopattacking SC_SCARED2 scientist/youinsane // outdoor WILD0 ambience/(v30) quail1(p103), quail1(t10), quail1(p101) WILD1 ambience/bee1(v75) WILD2 ambience/bee2(p105) WILD3 ambience/hawk1(p98 v30) WILD4 ambience/hawk1(p105 v20) WILD5 ambience/(v50 p97) quail1, quail1(t15) WILD6 ambience/bee1(p98 v50) WILD7 ambience/bee1(p97) WILD8 ambience/quail1(p98 v20) WILD9 ambience/des_wind1(v50) WILD10 ambience/des_wind2(v50) WILD11 ambience/des_wind3(v50) WILD12 ambience/des_wind2(v40 p98) WILD13 ambience/des_wind3(v40 p103) WILD14 ambience/wren1(v80) WILD15 ambience/des_wind1(v40 p105) // rocket ROCKET0 ambience/steamburst1 ROCKET1 ambience/steamburst1(p80) ROCKET2 ambience/steamburst1(p120) ROCKET3 ambience/rocket_groan1 ROCKET4 ambience/rocket_groan2 ROCKET5 ambience/rocket_groan3 ROCKET6 ambience/rocket_groan4 // distant war zone FAR_WAR0 ambience/(v50) distantmortar1 FAR_WAR1 ambience/(v60) distantmortar2 FAR_WAR2 ambience/(v50) distantmortar3 FAR_WAR3 ambience/(v15) biggun3 FAR_WAR4 ambience/(v20) rifle2 FAR_WAR5 ambience/(v10 p120) jetflyby1 FAR_WAR6 ambience/(v10) mgun_burst4 FAR_WAR7 ambience/(v30) distantmortar1 distantmortar3 distantmortar2 FAR_WAR8 ambience/(v10) biggun2 biggun2 biggun2 FAR_WAR9 ambience/(v15) mgun_burst1 FAR_WAR10 ambience/(v20) biggun1 rifle2 FAR_WAR11 ambience/(v60) distantmortar1 distantmortar1, distantmortar2, distantmortar1 FAR_WAR12 ambience/(v30) distantmortar2, distantmortar2 distantmortar2 distantmortar2, distantmortar3 distantmortar1 FAR_WAR13 ambience/(v10) mgun_burst2 FAR_WAR14 ambience/(v15) mgun_burst3 mgun_burst3 FAR_WAR15 ambience/(v10) rifle1 rifle1 FAR_WAR16 ambience/(v10) biggun2, biggun2 biggun2 // near war zone NEAR_WAR0 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst3 mgun_burst3 mgun_burst3(v50) NEAR_WAR1 ambience/(v60) rifle1 rifle2 rifle2 rifle1 rifle1 NEAR_WAR2 ambience/(v60) alienflyby1 NEAR_WAR3 ambience/(v60) biggun3 biggun3 biggun3 NEAR_WAR4 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst4 mgun_burst3 rifle1 mgun_burst4 NEAR_WAR5 ambience/(v60) jetflyby1 NEAR_WAR6 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst4 mgun_burst3 NEAR_WAR7 ambience/distantmortar1 distantmortar3 distantmortar2 NEAR_WAR8 ambience/(v60) biggun2 biggun2 biggun2 biggun2(v30) NEAR_WAR9 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst1 mgun_burst1 rifle2 mgun_burst3 NEAR_WAR10 agrunt/(v40) ag_fire1 ag_fire2 ag_fire2 ag_fire1 NEAR_WAR11 ambience/distantmortar1 distantmortar1, distantmortar2 NEAR_WAR12 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst2 mgun_burst2 mgun_burst3 mgun_burst2 // alien slave SLV_IDLE0 aslave/slv_word1 slv_word2 SLV_IDLE1 aslave/slv_word2 slv_word3(p95) SLV_IDLE2 aslave/slv_word3 slv_word4 SLV_IDLE3 aslave/slv_word4 slv_word5 slv_word5(p90) SLV_IDLE4 aslave/slv_word2(p110) slv_word6 slv_word7 slv_word3 SLV_IDLE5 aslave/slv_word6 slv_word7 slv_word2 SLV_IDLE6 aslave/slv_word7 slv_word8 slv_word3 SLV_IDLE7 aslave/slv_word8 slv_word1 slv_word8 slv_word8(p95) SLV_IDLE8 aslave/slv_word1(p115) slv_word6 SLV_IDLE9 aslave/slv_word3 slv_word3(p90) SLV_IDLE10 aslave/slv_word7(p85) SLV_ALERT0 aslave/(p105) slv_alert1 slv_word2 SLV_ALERT1 aslave/(p105) slv_word8 slv_word8 slv_word8 slv_word5 SLV_ALERT2 aslave/(p105) slv_alert4 slv_word4 slv_alert3 SLV_ALERT3 aslave/(p108) slv_alert1 slv_word5 SLV_ALERT4 aslave/(p108) slv_word5(p110) slv_word8 slv_word8 SLV_ALERT5 aslave/(p108) slv_alert4 slv_word7 slv_alert1 // OTIS //When player asks Otis to follow: OT_OK0 otis/reputation OT_OK1 otis/live OT_OK2 otis/together OT_OK3 otis/letsgo OT_OK4 otis/diealone OT_OK5 otis/joinyou OT_OK6 otis/teamup OT_WAIT0 otis/help OT_WAIT1 otis/go_on OT_WAIT2 otis/slowingyoudown OT_WAIT3 otis/illwait OT_WAIT4 otis/seeya OT_WAIT5 otis/standguard OT_WAIT6 otis/notalone OT_HELLO0 otis/hello OT_HELLO1 otis/soldier OT_HELLO2 otis/hiya OT_HELLO3 otis/hey OT_QUESTION0 otis/beer OT_QUESTION1 otis/rightdirection OT_QUESTION2 otis/getanyworse OT_QUESTION3 otis/gladof OT_QUESTION4 otis/aliencombat OT_QUESTION5 otis/somethingmoves OT_QUESTION6 otis/noise OT_ANSWER0 otis/yes OT_ANSWER1 otis/yessir OT_ANSWER2 otis/youbet OT_ANSWER3 otis/alright OT_ANSWER4 otis/yup OT_ANSWER5 otis/yeah OT_ANSWER6 otis/noway OT_ANSWER7 otis/doubt OT_ANSWER8 otis/breath OT_ANSWER9 otis/no OT_ANSWER10 otis/dontguess OT_ANSWER12 otis/nope OT_ANSWER13 otis/nosir OT_ANSWER14 otis/dontask OT_ANSWER15 otis/suppose OT_ANSWER16 otis/hell OT_ANSWER17 otis/cantfigure OT_ANSWER18 otis/maybe OT_ANSWER19 otis/talkmuch OT_ANSWER20 otis/dejavu OT_KILL0 otis/gotone OT_KILL1 otis/another OT_KILL2 otis/buttugly OT_KILL3 otis/seethat OT_KILL4 otis/close OT_KILL5 otis/firepl OT_KILL6 otis/bring OT_MAD0 otis/bully OT_MAD1 otis/somuch OT_MAD2 otis/dontmake OT_MAD3 otis/tomb OT_SHOT0 otis/friends OT_SHOT1 otis/chump OT_SHOT2 otis/watchit OT_SHOT3 otis/damn OT_SHOT4 otis/quitit OT_SHOT5 otis/onry OT_IDLE0 otis/mom OT_IDLE1 otis/aliens OT_IDLE2 otis/wuss OT_IDLE3 otis/bridge OT_IDLE4 otis/closet OT_IDLE5 otis/cousin OT_IDLE6 otis/mall OT_ATTACK0 otis/behind OT_ATTACK1 otis/leftovers OT_ATTACK2 otis/yourback OT_ATTACK3 otis/die OT_HEAR0 otis/hearsomething OT_HEAR1 otis/soundsbad OT_SMELL0 otis/ass OT_SMELL1 otis/chili OT_SMELL2 otis/janitor OT_CUREA otis/scar OT_CUREB otis/insurance OT_CUREC otis/medic OT_SCARED0 otis/donthurtem OT_SCARED1 otis/leavealone OT_WOUND0 otis/imhit OT_WOUND1 otis/virgin OT_WOUND2 otis/tooyoung OT_MORTAL0 otis/imdead OT_MORTAL1 otis/hitbad OT_MISC0 otis/stupidmachines OT_MISC1 otis/quarter OT_STARE0 otis/bigboned OT_STARE1 otis/quarter OT_STARE2 otis/hiya OT_STARE3 otis/yup //FRIENDLY GRUNT FG_QUESTION0 fgrunt/seensquad FG_QUESTION1 fgrunt/current FG_QUESTION2 fgrunt/coverup FG_QUESTION3 fgrunt/chicken FG_QUESTION4 fgrunt/charge FG_QUESTION5 fgrunt/bfeeling FG_QUEST0 fgrunt/bfeeling FG_QUEST1 fgrunt/current FG_ANSWER0 fgrunt/roger FG_ANSWER1 fgrunt/quiet FG_ANSWER2 fgrunt/stayalert FG_ANSWER3 fgrunt/no FG_GREN0 fgrunt/incoming FG_GREN1 fgrunt/grenade FG_ALERT0 fgrunt/alert FG_ALERT1 fgrunt/down FG_ALERT2 fgrunt/bogies FG_ALERT3 fgrunt/hostiles FG_MONSTER0 fgrunt/alert FG_MONSTER1 fgrunt/alien FG_COVER0 fgrunt/clear FG_COVER1 fgrunt/cover FG_COVER2 fgrunt/staydown FG_CLEAR0 fgrunt/clear FG_CLEAR1 fgrunt/area FG_THROW0 fgrunt/fire FG_THROW1 fgrunt/grenade FG_CHARGE0 fgrunt/go FG_CHARGE1 fgrunt/getsome FG_CHARGE2 fgrunt/move FG_TAUNT0 fgrunt/mister FG_TAUNT1 fgrunt/nothing FG_TAUNT2 fgrunt/oneshot FG_TAUNT3 fgrunt/getsome FG_TAUNT4 fgrunt/corners FG_TAUNT5 fgrunt/backup FG_OK0 fgrunt/damage FG_OK1 fgrunt/six FG_OK2 fgrunt/moving FG_OK3 fgrunt/gotit FG_OK4 fgrunt/hellout FG_OK5 fgrunt/sir FG_OK6 fgrunt/right FG_OK7 fgrunt/command FG_OK8 fgrunt/notfail FG_OK9 fgrunt/yes FG_SCARED0 fgrunt/hearsome FG_SCARED1 fgrunt/hear FG_WAIT0 fgrunt/secure FG_WAIT1 fgrunt/orders FG_WAIT2 fgrunt/scout FG_WAIT3 fgrunt/guardduty FG_STOP0 fgrunt/post FG_STOP1 fgrunt/stay FG_STOP2 fgrunt/leave FG_KILL0 fgrunt/oneshot FG_KILL1 fgrunt/killer FG_KILL2 fgrunt/sniper FG_KILL3 fgrunt/tag FG_KILL4 fgrunt/corporal FG_KILL5 fgrunt/talking FG_KILL6 fgrunt/take FG_KILL7 fgrunt/sniper FG_KILL8 fgrunt/check FG_KILL9 fgrunt/area FG_SHOT0 fgrunt/check FG_SHOT1 fgrunt/wantsome FG_SHOT2 fgrunt/zone FG_SHOT3 fgrunt/watchit FG_SHOT4 fgrunt/watchfire FG_SHOT5 fgrunt/friendly FG_CHECK0 fgrunt/check FG_CHECK1 fgrunt/zone FG_IDLE0 fgrunt/guard FG_IDLE1 fgrunt/mission FG_IDLE2 fgrunt/babysitting FG_IDLE3 fgrunt/coverup FG_IDLE4 fgrunt/now FG_IDLE5 fgrunt/seensquad FG_IDLE6 fgrunt/short FG_IDLE7 fgrunt/outof FG_IDLE8 fgrunt/lost FG_IDLE9 fgrunt/fubar FG_IDLE10 fgrunt/dogs FG_IDLE11 fgrunt/disney FG_IDLE12 fgrunt/checkrecon FG_ATTACK0 fgrunt/flank FG_ATTACK1 fgrunt/wantsome FG_ATTACK2 fgrunt/freaks FG_ATTACK3 fgrunt/recon FG_ATTACK4 fgrunt/rapidfire FG_ATTACK5 fgrunt/sweep FG_ATTACK6 fgrunt/suppressing FG_ATTACK7 fgrunt/marines FG_ATTACK8 fgrunt/moveup FG_ATTACK9 fgrunt/go FG_ATTACK10 fgrunt/covering FG_ATTACK11 fgrunt/ass FG_MAD0 fgrunt/ass FG_HELLO0 fgrunt/tosee FG_HELLO1 fgrunt/hellosir FG_WOUND0 fgrunt/imhit FG_WOUND1 fgrunt/fwound FG_WOUND2 fgrunt/makeit FG_MORTAL0 fgrunt/hitbad FG_MORTAL1 fgrunt/critical FG_MORTAL2 fgrunt/sdamage FG_CURE0 fgrunt/needmedic FG_CURE1 fgrunt/hurt FG_CURE2 fgrunt/hell FG_CURE3 fgrunt/feel FG_MAKEIT fgrunt/makeit // TORCH GRUNT TG_OPEN0 fgrunt/stand TG_OPEN1 fgrunt/through TG_NOTOPEN0 fgrunt/blocked TG_NOTOPEN1 fgrunt/thick TG_NOTOPEN2 fgrunt/cutting TG_NOTOPEN3 fgrunt/situations TG_CUTIT fgrunt/of5a3_fg01 // MEDIC GRUNT MG_HEAL0 fgrunt/sting MG_HEAL1 fgrunt/onepiece MG_HEAL2 fgrunt/fwound MG_NOTHEAL0 fgrunt/nohealth // SHOCK TROOPER ST_GREN0 shocktrooper/kss kyur kiml ST_ALERT0 shocktrooper/dit dit ST_ALERT1 shocktrooper/dit kss kss ST_ALERT2 shocktrooper/kss dit dit kss ST_MONST0 shocktrooper/pur thirv pur kss kss ST_COVER0 shocktrooper/ka ga blis blis ka ST_THROW0 shocktrooper/kss wirt ras ST_TAUNT0 shocktrooper/kiml kiml ST_CHARGE0 shocktrooper/mub puh mub dit dit ST_IDLE0 shocktrooper/ku kur ku ST_QUEST0 shocktrooper/puh pur hyu ka ST_ANSWER0 shocktrooper/dup dup ST_CLEAR0 shocktrooper/dup blis dup ST_CHECK0 shocktrooper/kss kss // G-Man outro speech OF7A0_GM01 gman/of7a0_gm01 OF7A0_GM02 gman/of7a0_gm02 OF7A0_GM03 gman/of7a0_gm03 OF7A0_GM04 gman/of7a0_gm04 // Zombie in HEV ZHEV_DEAD0 fvox/beep beep, beep beep, beep, beep, flatline ZHEV_DEAD1 fvox/beep beep, beep beep, beep, flatline ZHEV_DMG0 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) minor_lacerations ZHEV_DMG1 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) internal_bleeding ZHEV_DMG2 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) minor_fracture ZHEV_DMG3 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) blood_loss ZHEV_HLTH0 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) health_dropping ZHEV_HLTH1 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) health_dropping2 ZHEV_HLTH2 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, beep, (p100) health_critical ZHEV_HLTH3 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, beep, (p100) near_death // Useful scripts // Barney BA_LONGNITE barney/c2a4_ba_longnite BA_STAYSHOOT barney/c3a2_ba_stay BA_OPENDOOR barney/ba_door0 BA_GEARUP barney/c3a2_ba_8surv(e35) BA_TAKEALL barney/of6a4_ba04(s73) // Scientist SC_INFIRMARY1 scientist/of1a1_sc01 SC_INFIRMARY2 scientist/of1a1_sc02 SC_1MAN scientist/c1a3_sci_1man SC_BLIND scientist/c1a4_sci_blind SC_GENER scientist/c1a4_sci_gener SC_LETYOUIN scientist/letyouin SC_OVERHERE scientist/overhere SC_PROTECTME scientist/protectme SC_PLEASE scientist/please SC_GETALONG scientist/getalong SC_SAVED scientist/saved SC_ADVANCE scientist/advance SC_SCANER scientist/c1a0_sci_scanrpt SC_RUNSCREAM scientist/scream22 SC_HIDMYSELF scientist/of2a3_sc01 SC_BETTERLUCK scientist/of1a1_sc04 // FGrunt FG_YOUWITHUS fgrunt/of2a4_fg03 FG_MONSTER fgrunt/of3a4_fg01 FG_MASKFREAKS fgrunt/of5a1_fg01 FG_PATIENT fgrunt/of5a1_fg02 FG_SUPRISE fgrunt/of5a1_fg04 FG_EVAC fgrunt/of5a3_fg01 FG_FIREPOWER fgrunt/of5a3_fg03 FG_BLACKOPS fgrunt/of6a1_fg01(s6) FG_LETSGO fgrunt/of6a1_fg02 FG_FUBAR fgrunt/fubar //GMAN GM_POTENTIAL gman/gman_potential ////////////////////////// // FIELD INTENSITY SCRIPTS ////////////////////////// // "HAVE A SAFE DAY" NULLSENT common/null KV_RESPONDA fi/kevin/kv_responda KV_RESPONDB fi/kevin/kv_respondb KV_HELLO fi/kevin/kv_hello KV_BRIEF fi/kevin/kv_brief TG_GATES fi/fgrunt/tg_gates TG_PANEL fi/fgrunt/tg_panel TG_NVG fi/fgrunt/tg_nvg TG_DOGS fi/fgrunt/tg_dogs KV_ELEVA fi/kevin/kv_eleva KV_ELEVB fi/kevin/kv_elevb KV_ORDER fi/kevin/kv_order // HOSTILE TAKEOVER TG_BROKEN fi/fgrunt/tg_broken TG_ELEVA fi/fgrunt/tg_eleva TG_ELEVB fi/fgrunt/tg_elevb KV_FREEMAN fi/kevin/kv_freeman GINA_ATTACK0 decay/gina/gina_attack2 COL_ATTACK0 decay/colette/colette_attack2 FG_LADIES fi/fgrunt/fg_ladies ELI_A0 fi/hl2/eli_whatgoingon ELI_B0 fi/hl2/eli_kleinerstop KL_A0 fi/hl2/kl_greatscott KV_RESTCREW fi/kevin/kv_restcrew TG_ZOMBIES fi/fgrunt/tg_zombies KV_NEWOBJ fi/kevin/kv_newobj KV_THEYMAD fi/kevin/kv_theymad TG_POWER fi/fgrunt/tg_power TG_STUCK fi/fgrunt/tg_stuck // HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENT KV_HEARME fi/kevin/kv_hearme KV_CONNECT fi/kevin/kv_connect KV_SECTORE fi/kevin/kv_sectore KV_OTHERSCI fi/kevin/kv_othersci BA_GAMMA fi/barney/ba_gamma BA_SCANNER fi/barney/ba_scanner KV_SIERRA fi/kevin/kv_sierra SC_BIOHELLO fi/scientist/sc_biohello SC_BIOGARG fi/scientist/sc_biogarg SC_BIOUNLOCK fi/scientist/sc_biounlock SC_BIOBYE fi/scientist/sc_biobye SC_BIOTEST fi/scientist/sc_biotest SC_BIOPLAN fi/scientist/sc_bioplan SC_BIONOISE scientist/whatissound SC_BIOLETSGO fi/scientist/sc_bioletsgo SC_BIOGAMMA fi/scientist/sc_biogamma SC_DETOUR fi/scientist/sc_detour SC_SATELLITE fi/scientist/sc_satellite SC_MILITARY fi/scientist/sc_military KV_SATELLITE fi/kevin/kv_satellite KV_ROCKET fi/kevin/kv_rocket KEL_DREF0 fi/keller/dk_newstuff KV_HEVSUIT fi/kevin/kv_hevsuit KV_EXAMINEHEV fi/kevin/kv_examinehev KV_CHECKHEV fi/kevin/kv_checkhev KV_HEVTRACK fi/kevin/kv_hevtrack ELECTRODIS vox/severe electric shock hazard disengaged KV_NOVEMBER fi/kevin/kv_november // ON THE TRACK KV_ONTHETRACK fi/kevin/kv_onthetrack FG_NOVHELLO fi/fgrunt/fg_novhello FG_NOVFREEMAN fi/fgrunt/fg_novfreeman FG_NOVNOWAYA fi/fgrunt/fg_novnowaya FG_NOVNOWAYB fi/fgrunt/fg_novnowayb KV_BARNEY fi/kevin/kv_barney KV_NOVATTACKED fi/kevin/kv_novattacked KV_LIMAISNEAR fi/kevin/kv_limaisnear KV_ROSENBERG fi/kevin/kv_rosenberg KV_MANTARAYS fi/kevin/kv_mantarays KV_ANTIAIR fi/kevin/kv_antiair // WEAK FORCE KV_BLACKOPS fi/kevin/kv_blackops KV_OBJECTIVES fi/kevin/kv_objectives KV_SETUPTRAP fi/kevin/kv_setuptrap // RECOVERY SC_WOKEN fi/scientist/sc_woken SC_SITUATION fi/scientist/sc_situation SC_NOWEAPONS fi/scientist/sc_noweapons SC_MEDKIT fi/scientist/sc_medkit SC_GOODLUCK fi/scientist/sc_goodluck BA_POK0 barney/c2a1_ba_hub2a BA_POK1 barney/ba_canal_wound1(e68) BA_POK2 barney/imdead BA_POK3 barney/imdead BA_YOUNEEDME fi/barney/ba_youneedme BA_DOORACCESS fi/barney/ba_dooraccess BA_ABOUTGUY barney/c3a1_ba_5sat BA_WHYYOUHERE fi/barney/ba_whyyouhere WR_SURFACE fi/worker/wr_surface WR_SWARMED fi/worker/wr_swarmed WR_GONNADIE scientist/c1a3_sci_silo2a SC_POK0 scientist/c1a4_sci_gener SC_POK1 fi/worker/wr_leavealone SC_POK2 scientist/c1a4_sci_gener SC_POK3 fi/worker/wr_leavealone SC_POK4 scientist/c1a4_sci_gener OT_NOISE otis/noise OT_SURVIVE otis/live OT_FINDMORE otis/of1a1_ot04 BA_NOTEATEN barney/ba_becareful1 OT_SPEAKMUCH otis/talkmuch OT_DIRECTION otis/rightdirection BA_CLIMB barney/c1a2_ba_climb OT_STAYANDDIE otis/go_on KV_SQUADALPHA fi/kevin/kv_squadalpha KV_LUCKY fi/kevin/kv_lucky KV_EVAC fi/kevin/kv_evac KV_CATCHUP fi/kevin/kv_catchup KV_WHATISTHIS fi/kevin/kv_whatisthis // FIELD INTENSITY FG_HEADEVAC fi/fgrunt/fg_headevac FG_SHEPHARD1 fi/fgrunt/fg_shephard1 FG_SHEPHARD2 fi/fgrunt/fg_shephard2 FG_SHEPHARD3 fi/fgrunt/fg_shephard3 GG_KEEPSEYE fi/greg/gg_keepseye GG_BLOWGATES fi/greg/gg_blowgates GG_CANTBELIEVE fi/greg/gg_cantbelieve GG_OHCRAP fi/greg/gg_ohcrap // F.U.B.A.R. KV_RETURN fi/kevin/kv_return KV_REUNITE fi/kevin/kv_reunite KV_RADIO fi/kevin/kv_radio KV_CONTACT fi/kevin/kv_contact // DEATHMATCH KV_DEATH fi/kevin/kv_death SC_COMMONENEMY fi/scientist/sc_commonenemy SC_BOTHWORK fi/scientist/sc_bothwork SC_LOCKEDGATES fi/scientist/sc_lockedgates SC_DANGERFIRE fi/scientist/sc_dangerfire SC_GETAROUND fi/scientist/sc_getround SC_KEEPGOING fi/scientist/sc_keepgoing SC_DANGERGAS fi/scientist/sc_dangergas SC_WORRY fi/scientist/sc_worry SC_DEVICE fi/scientist/sc_device SC_DISPLACER fi/scientist/sc_displacer SC_DANGERRAD fi/scientist/sc_dangerrad // DEDUCTION OSPREY1 misc/osprey_takeoff KV_DARKNESS fi/kevin/kv_darkness KV_DOORWAY fi/kevin/kv_doorway KV_HEREIAM fi/kevin/kv_hereiam KV_ACCOMPANY fi/kevin/kv_accompany KV_KEYS fi/kevin/kv_keys