#format guide: # petname is what players will use to summon it ie: it's name # modelname doesn't require models/ or .mdl, they are automagically added # idleanim, runanim, and deathanim is the sequence number to use for those animations # you'll have to open the model in a modelviewer to find them # runspeed is the framerate of the animation (pets move with players) as is idlespeed # deathlength should be the death animation's (frames/fps) * 2 # minus_z_standing and minus_z_crouching: if a value of 0 causes the pet to spawn in the air or under the ground, modify these (not sure if crouching is needed) # max and mindistance basically determines when the pet should start moving towards the player and when it should stop # all numerical keys except idleanim, runanim, and deathanim are floats (Decimals. eg: 4.2, 13.37, 42.0) # controllerid and distance is for when the model has bone controllers that need to be modified to get the model to look straight ahead, several can be entered (eg: id1:distance1:id2:distance2:id3:distance3) #petname modelname scale idleanim idlespeed runanim runspeed deathanim deathlength minus_z_standing minus_z_crouching maxdistance mindistance controllerid:distance headcrab headcrab 1.0 0 1.0 4 2.0 7 2.0 36.0 16.0 300.0 120.0 rat bigrat 1.0 3 1.0 4 6.0 7 4.6 36.0 16.0 300.0 120.0 xenbat boid 1.0 0 1.0 0 3.0 0 0.1 5.0 6.0 300.0 120.0 chumtoad chumtoad 1.0 0 1.0 5 0.75 12 3.0 36.0 16.0 300.0 120.0 floater floater 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 0.1 5.0 6.0 300.0 120.0 cockroach roach 1.0 1 1.0 0 1.0 1 0.1 36.0 16.0 300.0 120.0 stukabat stukabat 1.0 13 0.25 13 1.0 5 3.0 10.0 11.0 300.0 120.0 bigmomma big_mom 0.25 0 1.0 3 1.0 4 5.0 36.0 16.0 1000.0 120.0 aliengrunt agrunt 0.5 0 1.0 3 1.0 22 2.6 36.0 16.0 600.0 120.0 0:127 archer archer 1.0 0 1.0 5 0.6 9 3.0 20.0 30.0 300.0 100.0 babyheadcrab baby_headcrab 1.0 0 1.0 4 0.6 7 3.0 36.0 16.0 300.0 120.0 gargantua garg 0.25 0 1.0 5 1.0 14 6.0 36.0 16.0 800.0 140.0 0:127 bullsquid bullsquid 1.0 7 1.0 1 1.0 16 2.5 36.0 16.0 400.0 130.0 houndeye houndeye 1.0 1 1.0 3 1.0 6 2.5 36.0 16.0 400.0 120.0 loader loader 0.25 3 1.0 2 0.4 5 7.0 36.0 16.0 1000.0 120.0 controller controller 0.5 15 1.0 9 1.0 18 7.0 0.0 0.0 800.0 120.0 gman gman 0.8 0 1.0 6 2.0 22 2.6 36.0 16.0 600.0 100.0 0:127 dog hunger/hungerhound 1.0 0 1.0 8 1.0 6 2.5 36.0 16.0 400.0 120.0 skeleton hunger/hungerslave 0.8 2 1.0 6 1.0 6 2.5 36.0 16.0 400.0 120.0 miketama the_daikon_warfare/miketama_assasin_dual 0.7 0 1 5 1 0 7.2 36.0 16.0 400.0 120.0 chatarou the_daikon_warfare/chatarou 1.0 1 1 5 01 0 1 36.0 16.0 400.0 120.0 freeman sectore/freeman 1.0 15 1.0 9 1.0 18 7.0 0.0 0.0 800.0 120.0 pizzashopowner pizza_ya_san/owner_shin_pizza 0.5 8 1.0 1 1.0 7 2.0 36.0 16.0 300.0 120.0