Format: 2.1 # This is the Natural Docs comments file for this project. If you change # anything here, it will apply to THIS PROJECT ONLY. You can edit the version # in Natural Docs' Config folder to make the changes apply to all projects, # but it's recommended that you edit this version instead. # Ignored Keywords # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # If you'd like to prevent keywords from being recognized by Natural Docs, # you can do it like this: # # Ignore Keywords: # [keyword] # [keyword] # ... # Comment Types # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Each Natural Docs comment has a corresponding type which determine its # behavior. You can define your own here or override the settings of the # existing ones. # # Comment Type: [name] # Alter Comment Type: [name] # Creates a new comment type or changes an existing one. # # Display Name: [name] # Plural Display Name: [name] # The singular and plural name of the comment type as it should appear in # the output. # # Simple Identifier: [name] # The name of the comment type using only the letters A to Z. No spaces, # numbers, symbols, or Unicode allowed. Defaults to the comment type name # minus any unacceptable characters. This is used to generate things like # CSS class names. # # Scope: [normal|start|end|always global] # How the comment affects scope. Defaults to normal. # normal - The comment stays within the current scope. # start - The comment starts a new scope for all the comments # beneath it, like class comments. # end - The comment resets the scope back to global for all the # comments beneath it, like section comments. # always global - The comment is defined as a global symbol, but does not # change the scope for any other comments. # # Flags: [flag], [flag], ... # A combination of settings that apply to the comment type. # Code, File, or Documentation # Whether it's used to describe a code element, a file, or is a # standalone documentation comment. Defaults to Code. # Variable Type # Whether it describes a code element that can be used as a variable's # type. # Class Hierarchy or Database Hierarchy # Whether it describes a code element that should be included in the # class or database hierarchy. Requires Scope: Start. # Enum # Whether it describes an enum. # # Keywords: # [keyword] # [keyword], [plural keyword] # ... # A list of the comment type's keywords. Each line after the heading is # the keyword and optionally its plural form for list comments. You can # reuse existing keywords to change their definition. When using # "Alter Comment Type", these keywords are added to the existing ones # rather than replacing them.