TOON RUN by koelzk (E-Mail: WWW: MISSION OBJECIVE The Slimy-Sweaty-Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss-From-Outer-Space (called The Mother Spleen[tm]) has built an Evil Giant Cloning Killing machine. Originally you wanted to make holidays next to the domain of the Slimy-Sweaty-Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss (The travel brochure praised its healthy green environment), but now it looks as if your fighting skill is needed. Just by coincidence you are also a member of a local Marvel-Super-Heroes club, so you and your heroic friends feel obligated to go on a suicide trip into the fortress of the Slimy-Sweaty-Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss From-Outer-Space to turn off the Evil Giant Cloning Killing machine, to destroy the Slimy-Sweaty-Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss, to defend the rights of humanity, to get away from your annoying wives and to avert all the rest of the usual Armageddon stuff.