:::      Toon Run Final version (3rd release) THIS time it's REALLY Final.
:::             A map for Sven Coop

:::       Made by: koelzk (koelzk@web.de)
:::       Suitable for 3-6 players

: HINTS on killing the three Giant plants :

General hint:
Just do what the big sign prohibits:
Get some Blowtatoes (Examine the black board and the food machine).
Then try to get a good position to feed the Blowtatoes to the Plants.
(Another player has to help you here) 

1) Use the food machine to order Menu C ("Blowtatoes!").
2) As you will notice the machine will spit out some grenades.
3) Now you will have to throw these grenades into the mouths of each plant.
   To get a suitable position you will have to use the lifts, but another
   player has to use the lift controls.
4) At first you need to "feed" the left and right plant.
   After that the middle plant will get angry and open its mouth
   from time to time to spit out some living stomach content.
5) This beast is a little bit tougher and will need 2 grenades.
6) After you killed it a ladder will appear and guide you to the next passage.


This is my first Sven Co-Op map with a catoon based setting.
However some parts of the level are darker and less "toony".

Basicly it is a walkthrough map, but the players run through
some short passages from one fighting place to another.

CHANGES with the Update (3rd release):

- 2 new locations: a harbour with a bar and a scene with three Giant carnivorous plants
- Improved sky box
- SC 3.0 weapons and monsters
- Improved many many textures
- env_render bugs finally fixed
- lots of other small stuff fixed/modified/improved/tried to improve
- The map is now split up into three BSP files.
- Increasing frame rates by decreasing static monster placement

CHANGES with the Final version:

- The Toonrun custom Sounds are now saved in your 
  svencoop/sound/toonrun directory. This means you
  can delete the old smb.wav and piano.wav in your
  svencoop/sound directory.
- The map is now split up into two BSP files. Just
  run the first one and when you are through it,
  run the second one.
- I added four more locations including a real end boss
  (The Mother Spleen[tm]).
- Heavy Bugfixing (BTW Thanks for the feedback on www.svencoop.com)
- Increasing frame rates by decreasing level detail (in some areas)


Editors used:      Hammer 3.4, PaintShop Pro, Wally, 3D Studio Max
New textures:      yes, 71 are new
New sky:           yes (made with 3DSMax)
New sounds:        yes, 5 are new
New models:        yes, (but not from me) Thanks to Slidje, BananaBoy
                        (masta86@gmx.de) and Banana's very good
                        Smid/Smij model the Human Grunts now
                        have a cool toony look.
New skins:         yes, I reskinned the base.mdl with a toon-like
                        (in my opinion decent) texture, which
                        now acts as The Mother Spleen[tm]
                        With 3rd release, I also added a female chumtoad model.

Known problems:    - Sometimes one or more aliens get stuck in the volcano.
                     This is not SO dramatic, since they get executed after
                     a few seconds, so the tube gets free again.
                   - The Catapultator(tm) at the beginning has been optimized,
                     however try to stand excatly on the middle of the hand
                     and face to the window.
                   - You cannot defeat The Mother Spleen[tm] with normal weapons
                     (even if you disabled its shield). To blow the beast
                     in to another dimension of unimaginable pain you'll
                     have to establish an electrical contact between two
                     steel needles.
                   - Polygon counts go up to 800 (and higher) in some areas
                     Upgrade your machine, try to use Open GL or (more likely)
                     flame me, if the frame rate drops ;)
Compile Time:       2 hours and 25 minutes


- SC team for publishing TR with Sven Coop and of course for making Sven Coop itself
- Sniper, Mad Jonesy and Ike_Brovlofski for helping me with the "out of sfx" crash
  (which was really frustrating)
- All other forum goers, who helped me with their replies about mapping help/fixing bugs


The Slimy-Sweaty-Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss-From-Outer-Space
(called The Mother Spleen[tm]) has built an Evil Giant Cloning
Killing machine. Originally you wanted to make holidays next to
the domain of the Slimy-Sweaty-Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss (The
travel brochure praised its healthy green environment), but now
it looks as your fighting skill is needed. Just by co-incidance
you are also a member of a local Marvel-Super-Heros club, so you
and your heroic friends feel obligated to go on a suicide trip
into the fortress of the Slimy-Sweaty- Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss
From-Outer-Space to turn off the Evil Giant Cloning Killing machine,
to destroy the Slimy-Sweaty-Evil-Giant-Mega-Monster-Boss, to
defend the rights of humanity, to get away from your annoying
wifes and to avert all the rest of the usual Armageddon stuff.