X-Sender: admin@
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 8.2.7 (64)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 04:32:47
To: epsilon.team@mslist.org
Cc: log1@mspost.org
From: admin@mspost.org
Subject: Briefing  -  CMD|PRI=1&PAGE=1&ENCRYPT=1
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The United States Government has recently gained possession of an object that could
vastly benefit our cause. Our operatives have informed us of an opposing alien faction
that has learned of the object's existence, and is planning a major assault on the
installation where it is held. As most of our associates are currently... occupied, we
must rely on stealth (and the distraction caused by the rebel faction's attack). Your
team will be deployed as close to the objective as possible, shortly before the enemy's
assault is expected. You are to avoid attention, secure the objective, and await
extraction. Other information you will need is attached. You must be in the deployment
area by 14:26:00. That is all.

Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\eudora\attach\epsilonbrief008.zip.pgp"