- Giegue: - Thanks to `JUMP TEAM` for the inspiration. - Nero/Neyami for the Controllable Alien Slave NPC. - KernCore and all the team for the Insurgency Weapons Pack (Flamethrower). - See the **ins2_credits.txt** file, located in `scripts/maps/ragemap2024/ins2` folder. - Everyone at Ragemap, and YOU for playing! - Grunt: - The303 for the custom bee NPC model. - cshl623 for the custom NPC models. - w00tguy for the custom weapon scripts. - Erty for the d20 dice model. - Counter-Strike Nexon for the dragon model. - The Rage2024 team and playtesters for testing and giving recommendations. - Mortal Shell OST's by Cold Symmetry. - The Maw NPC model by Gauna.