BTS_RC BLACKMESA TRAINING SIMULATION - RESONANCE CASCADE V1.06 Known bugs: Load times can be abit long - it's moving around 400 entities afterall Inventory items that are important will respawn after 2 minutes where you found them Npcs roam, they will get stuck as a consequence, I have tried to limit it as much as possible but its a big map sometimes Engineers will spin like beyblades - apologises Tips: -if on solo mode, scientists can be used to open retina scanners if you aren't research -if on solo mode, security guards can be used to open security rooms at level 1 status if you aren't a security guard -the map operates on the basis of - Show, don't tell - if the room has a window or a camera, it might reveal an item -you will probably die a good few times, it's expected. use maps around the facility to get your bearings -everything, is random. Enemies, Ammo, Weapons, Items - even key items have the possibility to move. -Important items will glow the first time, this will help everybody see the items -map uses the inventory system to its extreme, please make sure you have it bound -map uses vaulting, please make sure mp_disable_autoclimb is 0 -Relaxed is harder than Storymode -If you have two of the same item, do not immediately activate them one after the other, it will despawn. -Most common question is where are the gears, make sure to fully explore the surroundings. -play tortured if you really hate yourself Created by RaptorSKA Created for the Svencoop community V1.05B 27/10/2024